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what martial art does steven seagal practice
would martial arts help in a zombie attackzombies are extremely popular these days. we’ve seen hundreds of movies, video gamesand short clips including these infamous creatures. they were shot at, stabbed, pierced and fairlyoften enough – dealt with - using martial arts. yet if a zombie apocalypse would overtakeour world – would martial arts really help us survive? and if so – which martial artwould be best for it? hi, my name is rokasleo
what martial art does steven seagal practice, and this time we are going to look at a briefhistory of martial arts and zombies. although the origin of the zombie conceptdates back all the way to 8th century kongo, in popular culture zombies came to major attentionin 1920’s when a few different books about zombies were published and in 1930’s whenthe first full feature film about zombies
called“white zombieâ€came to the screen.yet the zombies most massive success became obvious in 1968 with george r. romero’s“night of the living deadâ€. while survivors would defend themselves againstzombies in various ways – using martial arts as a means was still uncommon back inthe day, at least in the western culture. some eastern movies would be more keen onusing martial arts to fight the reanimated dead, yet their fighting styles were mostlysurreal, relying on super human skills and feats.martial arts in the zombie world of the west became more common in 2002, with the releaseof the first resident evil, a movie loosely based on a japanese video game of the samename. the main character alice, portrayed
by milla jovovich, in the movie successfullyuses her martial arts not only against zombie people, but also zombie dogs. yet the wholefilm is still clearly not seeking to portray realism and milla’s martial arts skillshere can’t be really considered as a serious reference. unfortunately, same applied evenmore in later resident evil movies and video games too, with the second movie turning millajovovich’s character into a superhuman. eventually though we end up at a tv series,based on a graphic novel of the same name, which has achieved massive success and spenta great deal of time in the world of zombies, while also trying it’s best to maintaina sense of realism (as much as one can do so in a world filled with reanimated, flesheating people). “the walking dead “started
airing in 2010, yet it hasn’t shown signsof martial arts until the end of season 2 and beginning of season 3, with the appearanceof the japanese sword wielding character michonne. she successfully uses her sword skills, whichbased on her movements, could be classified as a mix of traditional kenjutsu and someimprovisational forms, to get out of many difficult situations. in season 5 we alsoget re-introduced to the character morgan jones, who later reveals to have learned bothaikido’s skills and philosophy, although he mainly ends up using his staff movements,which actually do not come from traditional aikido staff forms, but rather from movementsof the staff used in karate. although these are only two characters who display martialarts skills in a zombie world which is more
closely tied to realism, we can begin ouranalysis here of what could be useful to us in discovering if martial arts would helpin such a situation. as mentioned before, morgan’s character,based on the show, is officially using aikido, yet 90% of the time he sticks to using hisstaff, which actually makes sense. in most zombie related fiction, a zombie bite canlead to deadly results lead by a strong infection. also, biting is often times the main way ofattack of a zombie which makes being in close distance with it - most dangerous. this partiallyexplains the success of both of our martial arts characters, in using their longer distanceweapons. other characters in the show also use various bladed and blunt weapons, suchas knives and sticks, yet having no martial
arts experience, their more easily wieldableweapons do not give them as big of a distance and also often times gets stuck in the bodyof the zombie, because of lack of proper technique. considering these facts, using a martial artsbased weapon actually makes sense, thus giving us a first plus in having martial arts skillsin a zombie apocalypse world. one could quickly argue that using martialarts is by far inferior to using firearms, yet the tv show tackles this subject quitewell too. despite having access to firearms – first of all the ammunition is not endless,while a staff or a sword can last much longer. also, in various zombie material, includingthe show, zombies are attracted to loud noises, such as gun shots, thus giving yet anotherplus to using martial arts as a silent solution.
although up until now we spoke more aboutusing martial arts weapons, we should obviously consider the vast majority of open-handedmartial arts, developed to fight in hand to hand combat. even bladed and blunt weaponswould eventually worn down or even break, or could be lost in the midst of a fight,(same thing applies to firearms too), making hand-to-hand combat a preferable solution.we should again consider the danger of zombies in a close distance and that each strike couldend up being a zombie snack, but if there are no weapons and no way to run, having tochoose between having hand-to-hand combat experience and not - the first case is obviouslystrongly preferable. this point yet again gives another plus to knowing martial artsin a zombie apocalypse. nevertheless, not
all of the points are so bright.no matter how polished ones technique is, using martial arts weapons or hand-to-handcombat still requires physical strength. killing a few, would not necessarily be a problemto a skilled martial arts practitioner, but most likely the number of zombies would bealmost endless, with so many people being infected. thus, when we start counting fightinghundreds of zombies using physical skills, the human body would start to reach it’sphysical limits and come closer to exhaustion with each kill, making a firearms, runningaway or simply avoiding zombies entirely a much more preferable tactics, than tryingto beat them all with our skills. speaking about the great number of zombies,there is one more thing we need to take a
look at. as in many martial arts movies, zombiemovies often times also present the “one attacker at a time while others bouncing aroundâ€phenomena, which is not really realistic too. in movies and other popular culture, usuallyone, or at most three zombies will walk towards a character at the same time, while otherswill be still keeping their distance, to give enough space and time for the survivor todeal with them in a step-by-step manner. yet considering that most likely there would behundreds of zombies in most places, in reality they would not coordinate between themselvesto attack in a comfortable way. there is a great chance that there would be a whole waveof them coming simultaneously, giving very little time and space for a martial artistto deal with each one of them at a time, using
his skills. although, we should still considerthe martial arts ability to mind the surroundings and use it to their advantage, a skill practicedby some of the more traditional martial arts, as a great benefit. so that potentially compensatesfor the previous disadvantage. last thing we will look at this time, willbe the difference between which martial art will be used. although we will look more in-depthat which martial art specifically would be best to know for a zombie apocalypse, it alreadyquickly becomes obvious that not all martial arts would fit the case. martial arts whichrely on very close distance, should already be considered twice before applied, sincea zombie can see that as an invitation to dinner, rather than a clinch. although - avery skilled martial artist should be able
to control an opponent in his guard or clincheffectively enough in order not to give space for a bite. yet while there are pluses andminuses here, there is undoubtedly another big, related disadvantage. zombie fightingis not a sport and while one zombie is held in a guard or clinch, others won’t waitfor their turn and will begin the feast. that doesn’t mean that some other skills of thesemartial arts could not be applied, but we should stay conscious that not all martialart techniques will prove to be useful. we could continue to look at advantages anddisadvantages of martial arts in a zombie world for a whole another video, yet it becomesquickly clear enough that having martial arts skills, rather than not, in a zombie infestedworld, would, in the end, be a great advantage.
nevertheless, we also have to admit, thata zombie apocalypse is not the most likely event in our lives. even having to use martialarts skills in the street without consciously getting into trouble, is becoming less andless likely in modern world and countries. that is why it’s important to remember thattraining martial arts is not meant only to use it in that one possible apocalypse ora fight, but rather that it is a great tool for self-development and development of character,which we will be able to use and apply so often in any life decision or situation inour own, real lives. what do you think about using martial artsin a zombie apocalypse world? do you think they would be useful? or would you simplyprefer not having to fight zombies at all?
let me know in the comments, i always appreciateyour thoughts. also, don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to know when the nextpart, where we will look at which martial art specifically would be most useful in thiscase, will come out. while you wait, check our other brief martial arts history videosshown here! this was rokasleo and see you on the virtual mat again soon!
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