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best self defence martial art
hi everybody i'm john graden from the martialarts teacher's association and johngraden.com. how do you fight like jason bourne? well firstthing you get somebody to write you a script and you practice the fights enough to wherethey really look good, good on camera. but seriously when we talk about jason bournehe's my all time favorite action star. matt damon plays this role beautifully, i thinkit's better then bond, it's better then the
best self defence martial art, others. what makes jason bourne really effectiveis that he always works his mind first. he thinks things through, he outsmarts his opponentslong before it gets to the point where he's got to actually physically engage with them.and typically he's stacked the deck in his favor by the time he does engage with themand that's a sign of a great martial artist.
you are always trying to avoid the fight,we are trying to use our mind to get around if first. but how does he actually fight,let's take a look. joining me is joe brinoli from costar mixed martial arts, fighting forthe camera is different then fighting in real life as you can imagine. one of the thingsthat matt damon does and i've read up on this, he studies krav maga which is an israeli selfdefense system, highly effective. extremely efficient and it's proven in the battle field.one of the tenets of, well typical techniques of krav maga is that they will lock and counterattack at the same time. you also see this in jeet kundo. for instance if he's throwing,throw a right haymaker or something, they are going to block and counter strike at thesame time. use this hand for a second. they
are going to block and counter attack at thesame time. so it's very efficient, i'm not blocking and then countering, it's typicallyall in one move. another tenet of these types of motion, you are just going to hang fora second, is it that they will combine techniques together that look very impressive on camera.for instance this is almost like having a kenpo techniques, while he'll strike withthe hand, strike with the elbow, come down low, pop straight up, finish off with thekick and turn and take the guy out. so all this pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, it looks explosive,it's short, it's compact, extremely efficient and it really looks great on camera. anothertechnique that we want to understand about the camera is that, efficiency sometimes doesn'twork on the camera. for instance, would you
stand here please. martial arts typicallyteach a straight punch, straight out and straight back, what we've discovered, is i've beenin films and done a lot of stunt work, is that, that's too hard to see for the camera.so often you'll see guys like chuck norris, jason bourne, they'll throw more of a circularpunch or technique even though technically it's not correct, that sweeping motion looksreally good on camera. it makes it more effective, and makes it more visually appealing. so thebeauty of jason bourne first he uses his mind, he stacks the cards in his favor like a goodmartial artist, second through krav maga, jeet kundo and other extremely efficient fightingtechniques he really explodes those techniques and third, there's a little bit of play forthe camera which makes it exciting for all
of us. i'm a use jason bourne fan, i hopethat helps. i'm john graden, with joe bernoli, thanks.
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