what martial art is right for me

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what martial art is right for me

hey, ando again from senseiando.com. so, igot a question the other day about my favorite stretching routine. i actually get that questiona lot. well, i have a confession to make. i don’t stretch. shh. now, look--i’m notsaying you shouldn’t stretch, of course you should. it’s good for you. i just don’t. fulldisclosure, i also don’t sleep or floss as much as i should. but here’s the funnything… even though i just turned 46, i’m

what martial art is right for me

what martial art is right for me, still pretty flexible. yeah. i can’t doa full split anymore, that was back in my 20’s, but i’ll tell you what-- as longas you’re not taller than six feet tall, i'll still kick a sucka in the head. the questionis, how? how can a 46 year-old guy who doesn’t stretch still kick a six foot sucka in thehead? well, today, i’ve got five tips to

help you stay flexible even without stretching. tip #1, a-b-c. a- always. b– be. c- conditioning.always be conditioning. always be conditioning. think about it--if you want to kick someonein the head anytime, anywhere, well, then you should be conditioning all the time andeverywhere you go. you can’t just go to class two or three times a week, stretch outfive minutes here, ten minutes there, and expect to be doing full splits like jean claudevan damme. speaking of jcvd, i heard him in an interview once and he said even when he’swaiting in line at the supermarket, he’s flexing his glutes. don’t worry, i’m notgoing to demonstrate that. or how about ballet dancers? they’re incredibly flexible. well,i used to know a ballet dancer who would sleep

in a butterfly stretch. hmm. that’s notso bad. no, no, no. on her belly. ow. no. no, no, no. that’s just stupid. yeah, that’s a bit much. i’m not tellingyou you have to go sleep in a full split, but let’s talk about staircases. you shouldnever take stairs one at a time. always go two or three at a time. sometimes fast, sometimesslow. what about if you drop something? you should never be bending over with your back.always use that as a chance to do a squat or a lunge. and what about if you’re playinga video game or watching a video, like right

now. get up out of the chair. always dropinto a horse stance. you can condition all the time. if you have to use a chair, well,then how about this? how do you get up and down from a chair? mostpeople just lean and fall out. but not us! no. we see this as an opportunity to condition.widen out the feet, stand up strong, up and down, just like a horse stance. even better,try using one foot when you get up and down, like a pistol squat. up or down. even betterbetter, try adding a little hop when you get up on one foot. ah. what-- you think that’scrazy? hey, you’re the one who wants to go around kicking people in the head all thetime. i'm just saying if you want to be able to do that, well, then you should always beconditioning. if you don’t, well, then you’ll

be shining my shoes. tip #2, don’t stretch before you work out,warm up instead. i swear, i thought everybody already knew this one, but i guess not, becausei still see students and even teachers starting their workouts by sticking a leg up in theair or dropping into a full split. no! don’t do that. stop it. that’s like trying tomake a pizza with frozen dough. or trying to blow a bubble with a fresh stick of gum. look-- if you're going to be throwing high kicks in your workout, well, then warm upwith low kicks. literally. start at ankle height. get your groove, make sure that feelsgreat, then move it up to the knee. then move

it up to the hip, and the chest, and the head,then the bird on top of the guy's head. whatever. the point is get some blood into your muscles.give your joints a chance to loosen up. when you’re all ready, then you can run up thewalls and kick the ceiling. tip #3, work your stances. i don’t stretch,but i do spend time working my traditional horse stance, front stance, and cat stance.if you look at it, a low stance opens up the same wide angles between your legs as a highkick does. so, if you’re practicing sweeps, and throws, and takedowns, and even some groundwork,well, then you're already developing the flexibility in your legs, your hips, and your lower back.my point: if you want to kick high, get low. tip #4, fix your kicks. believe it or not,it takes more flexibility to throw a kick

incorrectly than it takes to throw it correctly.that’s why you should work out all of your balance and alignment issues at a low levelbefore you start throwing kicks at a high level. let's say your head is down, or you’rehunched over, or you're not pivoting properly, all that's going to do is add tension intoyour body. your body is going to fight against you and ultimately, that's going to lead toinjuries. so, before you get too excited and you start kicking cigarettes out of your friends’mouths, slow down, bring it down, and make sure you’re doing things right. tip #5, keep your cool, man. look, emotionsaffect motion. if you’re scared, well, your muscles are going to freeze up. if you’reangry, you might feel stronger, but you’re

actually tensing muscles that are going tolimit your flexibility. so, be smart. train yourself to breathe and keep your cool, nomatter what happens to you on the mats or off the mats. relax your mind and your bodywill follow. okay, i know this video is supposed to beflexibility without stretching, but this stretch is so easy, i don’t think it should count.all you gotta do is lie down, scoot your butt up against the wall and let your legs hangopen. that’s it. gravity will do the rest here. you just relax and slowly but surely,your legs are going to start opening up. this is a great lazy man’s stretch. i used todo this one all the time after tae kwon do class. i was already warmed up. i’d go home,do a protein shake, turn on the tv, hit the

wall, and then just chill. usually, i wouldchill too much and i'd fall asleep. half an hour later, i’d wake up and not be ableto move. but i would be more flexible. now, you'll notice that this stretch is going tobe focused on the inside of your thigh or your groin muscles. so, if you want to doa variation of this, all you gotta do is put your butt up higher, right, and all i'm goingto do is hold my body up straight and then same thing. i'm just going to let my legshang open. by putting your back straight, now you're focusing more on your hamstrings.now, obviously, this is putting some pressure on the neck, so do this at your own risk.be very, very careful with this. if you fall asleep in this position, well, you may neverwake up! but this stretch is such a good one,

i thought maybe you should give it a try. and those are your tips. always be conditioning,warm up, work your stances, fix your kicks, and keep your cool. one more thing— don’tbe in a hurry. if you're yelling and screaming at your body to give you a full split today,it’s just going to fight you. instead, be gentle. ask your body nicely for a littlemore flexibility every day and i promise, you’ll be kicking suckas in the head inno time. if you liked these tips, hey, don't miss the next one. hit subscribe and for evenmore great stuff, find the link to sign up for my free email updates list. until nexttime, keep stretching beyond your limits, my friend, and keep fighting for a happy life.

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