best martial art in the world

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best martial art in the world

history of martial artsanyone could name a whole set of different martial arts. most have tried at least one of them at somepoint in their lives or actively practices it. yet when we look at the history of martialarts, at best we know a few stories about

best martial art in the world

best martial art in the world, our own practice, yet what to speak aboutthe whole history of martial arts in the entire world. hi, my name is rokasleo, and today we willfill this gap with a brief history of the roots and evolution of all martial arts inthe world.

definitionbefore we begin, let us define what a martial art is. the word 'martial' derives from the name ofmars, the roman god of war, making the term 'martial arts' literally mean the arts ofmars, or to put more simply – the art of war. this term comes from 15th century europeanswho were referring this way to their own fighting arts that are today known as historical europeanmartial arts. yet in it’s entirety, martial arts throughhistory can be defined as systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat.

while each style has unique facets that makesit different from other martial arts, with some of them being more linked to spiritual,religious beliefs or philosophies, a common characteristic - is that they are all systemizationof fighting techniques. and these systemizations started very earlyon throughout the entire world. antiquitythe earliest evidence of martial arts comes from depictions of fights, both in figurativeart and in early literature. although martial arts are commonly associatedwith east asian cultures, the oldest work of art depicting scenes of battle, dates backto 3400 bce egypt in paintings. a section found in the indian vedas from 1700- 1100 bce, already contain references to

martial arts with both armed and bare-handedcombat. looking even further to the west, boxing becamea part of the olympic games in greece as early as 688 bce with detailed depictions of wrestlingtechniques being preserved in vase paintings of the classical period, while the romansproduced gladiatorial combat as a public spectacle starting from 3rd century bc. greek pankration – a martial art that includedempty-hand submission with scarcely any rules used techniques from boxing and wrestlingbut also other types, such as kicking and holds, locks and chokes on the ground, wherethe only things not acceptable were biting and gouging out the opponent's eyes.

pankration is actually even considered tobe one of the very first mixed martial arts in history. looking back at asia, where most of our wellknown martial arts originated - according to a legend, in china, during a semi-mythicaldynasty more than 4,000 years ago the yellow emperor introduced the earliest fighting systemsto his country. yet the earliest historical references tochinese martial arts found in the 5th century bce where a hand-to-hand combat theory, onethat integrates notions of "hard" and "soft" techniques, is mentioned in a book. interestingly enough, the foundation of traditionalasian martial arts is actually most likely

not only a blend of early chinese, but alsoof indian martial arts, since extensive trade occurred between these nations in 6th centuryb.c. as they shared not only their merchandises, but also culture and knowledge. only later in china, during the warring statesperiod in 480-221 b.c. extensive development in martial philosophy and strategy of it’sown emerged, as described by sun tzu in the art of war (c. 350 b.c.). all this could be considered the dawn of martialarts, as these early forms continued to be further developed and evolved in the middleages. middle agesmost japanese martial arts origins can be

found in the middle ages during the developmentof the warrior traditions of the samurai and the caste system that restricted the use ofweapons by other members of society. originally, samurai were expected to be proficientin many weapons, as well as unarmed combat, reaching for the highest possible masteryof combat skills, which brought a lot of attention to the development of martial arts. although it is likely that the first ironswords were manufactured in japan in the fourth century, based on technology imported fromchina, the oldest schools of japanese swordsmanship in existence today arose in the 14th centuryand such arts as battåjutsu literally meaning "the art or science of drawing a sword" developedin the mid-15th century.

in order to know how to counter an opponentwith a sword, the well known jujitsu began developing around the 15th century too, combiningvarious japanese martial arts which were used on the battlefield for close combat in situationswhere weapons were ineffective. in contrast to the neighboring nations ofchina and okinawa, whose martial arts were centered around striking techniques, japanesehand-to-hand combat forms focused heavily upon throwing, immobilizing, joint locks andchoking, as striking techniques were ineffective towards someone wearing armor on the battlefield. exploring martial arts during medieval agesin china, we come across an early legend in martial arts, that tells the tale of an indianmonk known as bodhidharma (also called daruma),

believed to have lived around 550 a.d. whois credited with influencing the unarmed combat arts of the shaolin temple in china, whilealso finding the meditative philosophy of zen buddhism. it is sometimes considered that actually herethe martial virtues of discipline, humility, restraint and respect were developed. with regards to the shaolin fighting systemitself, the oldest historical evidence of shaolin participation in combat is from arecorded battle which happened in 728 ce and a defending of the shaolin monastery frombandits around 610 ce. in korea, a martial art also developed inthe middle ages known as ssireum where it

gained widespread popularity starting fromthe 14th century. the west was well acquainted with it’s waysof war too, not standing down to it’s asian contemporaries. pictorial sources of medieval combat was alreadypresent in 11th and 13th century, where also an earliest martial arts manual of the westwas compiled in a monastery, detailing sword and buckler combat, and consisting a manuscriptof 64 images, manuals of wrestling techniques where compiled even earlier. wrestling throughout the middle ages was actuallyvery popular and was practiced by all social levels.

jousting and the tournament were also a popularmartial art practiced by nobility throughout the high and late middle ages. during the late middle ages there was an appearanceof elaborate fencing systems, such as the german or italian schools with it’s teachingsstill being is preserved in a number of 15th-century books. unfortunately, with the changing of times,the martial arts of the west suffered a lot of loss. modern ageswith the rise of firearms, martial arts in europe experienced a strong decline and asa consequence, they do not exit with historical

roots in europe today to the same extent asin asia. despite that, a number of historical fencingforms and manuals still have survived from 1400 to 1900 a.d. and many groups today areactively working to reconstruct older european martial arts to become a part of our cultureagain. the process of reconstruction combines intensivestudy of detailed combat treatises produced, including such styles as sword and shield,two-handed sword fighting, halberd fighting, jousting and other types of melee weaponscombat. all this reconstruction effort and modernoutgrowth of the historical methods is generally referred to as western martial arts.

some well known modern martial arts emergedin the west during the modern ages too. a well known martial art called savate, alsoknown as french boxing or french kickboxing, is a martial art that uses the hands and feetas weapons combining elements of western boxing with graceful kicking techniques. it was born in the beginning of the 19th century,mainly from a mixture of french street fighting techniques and fighting methods of frenchsailors. this style is still actively practiced today. even further to the west another western martialart emerged known as capoeira, a brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance,acrobatics and music, which was mainly developed

by west africans in the beginning of the 16thcentury. in asia, most fighting styles that are beingpracticed as traditional chinese martial arts today, reached their popularity in the modernages too. the increase in popularity of those stylesis a result of the dramatic changes that occurred within the chinese society in the 20th century. the present view of chinese martial arts arestrongly influenced by the events of the republican period in 1912–1949, when chinese martialarts became more accessible to the general public as many martial artists were encouragedto openly teach their art. at that time, some considered martial artseven as a means to promote national pride

and to build a strong nation, thus many trainingmanuals were published, a training academy opened, as well as demonstration teams travelledoverseas and numerous martial arts associations were formed not only throughout china, butin various overseas chinese communities too. some of the best known martial arts today,developed in japan during this period too. after the meiji restoration in the 19th-20thcentury which ended the ruling of the samurai class, martial arts such as judo, kendo, aikido,karate and many others where formed mostly by people wanting to preserve traditionalways of combat, while the samurai culture was fading away into history and also withthe desire to adapt the old ways to the new times.

the 16th century also saw the emergence ofmuay thai, a traditional tai martial art. it still took some time for the west to becomeinterested in the martial ways of asia. although the western interest in east asianmartial arts increased in the late 19th century, due to the increase in trade between americawith china and japan, relatively few westerners actually practiced the arts back then, asthey considered them to be a mere performance. that still didn’t stop edward william barton-wright,a railway engineer who had studied jujutsu while working in japan between 1894 and 97,who was the first man known to have taught asian martial arts in europe, helping to spreadthem and to change peoples beliefs and opinions. interestingly enough, he also founded an eclecticmartial arts style named bartitsu, which combined

jujutsu, judo, boxing, savate and stick fighting. yet asian martial arts weren’t still asinfluential until the later 1970s and 1980s which witnessed an increased media interestin the martial arts, thanks in part to asian and hollywood martial arts movies, which helpedbring huge attention to these practices, their popularity and growth. with the help of such prominent movie figuresas bruce lee, jackie chan, jet li and others, asian martial arts today became a huge interestof many people. as easter martial arts were introduced moreand more to the west, other mixtures of martial arts started to emerge as well, one of themost notable ones being what we now call brazilian

jujitsu, which was actually more a changedand evolved version of early judo, than jujitsu itself. year after year martial arts kept evolvingand being mixed together with the appearance of mixed martial arts or mma, taekwondo, variousmilitary combat based martial arts such as israeli krav mag and more. epiloguethese days we tend to limit our definition of martial arts only to asian combat practices. but in truth the martial arts history in theworld is far more wider and intriguing as most of have thought.

we tend to forget that there are so many martialarts that have a unique heritage and deserve their own right place and respect in thisworld, weather it’s the playful capoeira, medieval sword fencing, boxing, philosophicalaikido or combat efficient krav maga, they all have their place as they shaped, mixedand changed with the changes of time and cultures. although it’s impossible to introduce allmartial arts histories in less than 15 minutes, i hope you liked this video. if you did, press that like and subscribebutton to support our channel and see us make more videos about martial arts.

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